4 weeks before you move

Discard, sell or give away any unwanted items.

Notify the Post Office for mail redirection and send out change of address cards.

Ensure all important documents are stored safely.

Get school records.

Notify your insurance company and cancel or transfer all policies (life, house, car).

Advise electoral office, IRD, local municipal authority, government departments, (if any family allowances are paid), solicitor, church, local clubs etc.

If moving overseas, ensure passports, visas, travel bookings and accommodation are finalised.

2 weeks before you move

If you are using a removal company, confirm packing and moving dates.

If moving yourself, obtain a supply of boxes, packaging tape and marker pens.

Arrange cancellation of gas, electricity and phone service.

Return things borrowed and collect those loaned.

Dispose of all paint and flammables (removal companies cannot move or store such items).

Just before you move

Cancel all delivery services, milk, newspaper, rubbish.

Clean out medicine cabinet and dispose of unwanted medicine etc.

Remove fuel from mowers etc.

Remove food from fridge/freezers and defrost at least 24 hours before moving.

Collect any laundry or dry cleaning.

Set aside items you will need the day you move so you can take them with you (ie. food, drinks, cleaning products).

Ensure all travel documents are set aside for taking with you (don’t forget books and games for the children).

Make suitable arrangements for any pets.

If moving within New Zealand, water all your pot plants well, 2 or 3 days before.

Disconnect all electrical appliances.

Confirm moving in/moving out details and exchange keys with your Harcourts Grenadier consultant.

Organise services for your new home (ie. newspaper, telephone, internet, gas, electricity etc).

On moving day

Be on hand or have an authorised person there to answer questions and to have a last look around to ensure nothing has been overlooked.

Sign inventory with packer and retain your copy in a safe place.

Make sure all travel and other important documents are set aside to avoid any possibility of these items being packed.

Unplug phone, if owned.

After its all over

Have spare keys cut

Make an insurance claim if any damage has occured during the move.

Enjoy your new home and keep in touch.

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